To communicate with your lithium batteries, you must use a shielded RJ45 cable. It may be supplied with the battery. If not, you can get one from your battery dealer. Attention, if you want to make the cable yourself you must respect the following instructions: (single-stranded cable / minimum category 6A)

Below, the detail of the connections to be made on the CAN cable:


  • Pin 1 inverter side to Pin 4 battery side
  • Pin 2 inverter side to Pin 5 battery side
  • Pin 8 inverter side to Pin 8 Battery side (GND)
  • The other pins are in the air.

The whole procedure is also explained in the installation guide on page 78. Installation Guide

For the battery side, consult your battery manufacturer's documentation on how to connect it.

Note: Communication is only possible with lithium batteries. Lead-acid and super-capacity batteries do not need a communication cable to operate.