Once you have created your account, you can easily modify your personal account information or the technical information of the installation.

-Editing personal information

To modify the personal information of your account, such as your login, your contact information or the management of e-mail alerts, you must connect to your account and click on your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and then on "my account".


-Modifying technical information

To modify the technical information of the installation, such as the model, or to add several inverters to the same account for parallel installations, you must have an installer account. On the "Installations" page, "User" tab, choose the user concerned and then on the right of the table, click on "Edit profile".


- The case of a serial number modification

In case of error or change of inverter on a user account, to change a serial number, it is necessary to make a request on our website (https://support.imeon-energy.com/en/support/tickets/new) specifying the original number, the new number and the user account information in the email. The modification will then be done within 7 working days (time of verification and propagation in the server).